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Launch of Web Site

So here we go!! I have been intending for ages to create a web site and I finally have. I am amazed with myself that I figured it out and got it done. Please be sure to check in regularly as I will be changing/adding items. On my inspiration page you will see artists who I love and who inspire and influence me. I think it is something I will change out bi-monthly. This time around I have Tina Mion, a painter from Arizona. She is having a show right now at the Coconino Center for the Arts in Flagstaff. It' a great show! She also has work in the Smithsonian. I love the stories she tells about her paintings and her themes are right up my alley. The second is a book artist is from the UK. She mostly sticks with altered books. They are so whimsical. Fantastic! Also so proud to be part of this group show at the Redland Museum in Australia. It's amazing what these folks have put together. I put a second link so you can see the works that will be in the first show. I'll be busy this weekend getting my pice ready to send out. This will be my fourth exhibit int he past two years. Exciting. Also coming up in spring, I'll be teaching a class with Paperworks here in Tucson called The Chicken or the Egg. It will be based on content and structure and how and why we should choose which takes priority in our work. Check out the Paperworks organization - they are really great.


© 2015 Kristie Atwood

Tucson, Arizona

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